Secolari Family Recipes


How to Identify a High Quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

Dipping oil, extra virgin olive oil, EVOO, no matter what you call it, it's delicious. But, how can you choose a truly great EVOO? How can you tell that what you're paying is a good price for the product? Here we tell you all about how to identify a high-quality extra virgin olive oil, or EVOO, for short. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is a mainstay of many regional diets, such as Italy and the Mediterranean. But there are a lot...

california balsamic

Cookin’ With California Balsamic: 5 Recipes That Will Make Your Mouth Water

Do you ever feel like you're in a cooking rut where you keep making the same meals over and over again? If so, experimenting with new recipes is the perfect way to add more zest to your life. One of the easiest ways you can pack an extra punch of flavor is to cook with California balsamic. Are you ready to get inspired? Keep reading to learn about 5 California balsamic recipes that will make your mouth water.

1. Pork Shoulder...

best sea salt for cooking

3 Reasons to Use the Best Sea Salt for Cooking

The next time you reach for the salt when cooking, take a moment to consider the historical significance of this basic flavoring element. Egyptians were the first to embrace the preservation qualities of salt. These days, we have access to countless varieties of the best sea salt for cooking and use it more for flavor enhancement than survival. Most of us reach for the basic table salt, though. This is doing your recipes a disservice. This guide will give you three reasons to choose...

National Junk Food Day

Celebrate National Junk Food Day with Classic Recipes

National Junk Food Day is right around the corner, and there's no better way to celebrate it than with a selection of delicious desserts. We've curated our acclaimed dessert recipes to offer you this diverse mixture of indulgent and health-conscious, familiar and exotic choices to help you celebrate.

Classic Desserts

Best Pecan Pie

Our Best Pecan Pie recipe is exactly what it says on the tin. It includes a how-to on making a light, fluffy crust with olive oil...


Shrimp in Parsley Mint Pesto

This simple shrimp recipe is made with a rustic pesto of fresh parsley and mint, and a best-quality olive oil. An excellent main course with a salad on the side! This pesto can be used with grilled seafood, fish,  and vegetables. Chef Alba

Shrimp Grilled in Parsley Mint Pesto

This simple shrimp recipe is made with a rustic pesto of fresh parsley and mint, and a best-quality olive oil. An excellent main course with a salad on the side! This...

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