Secolari Family Recipes

Cold Pressed Olive Oil

Cold Pressed Olive Oil: What It Is and Why You’ll Love It

You're cooking your favorite dish, and you grab the olive oil. Did you know that this simple act is one that's been done since the 5th or 4th century BCE? Cold-pressed olive oil is a common term that's often confused. While the true olive oil product has several benefits, the imposters lack them. Use this guide to understand what you're buying and why it's so important you purchase a genuine olive oil product.

What Is Cold Pressed Olive Oil?


Cooking With Olive Oil for Weight Loss

Harnessing the Power of Cooking With Olive Oil for Weight Loss

Did you know that a diet rich in olive oil reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes? Are you exploring different healthy eating habits and are looking to understand olive oil better? In this article, you'll learn about olive oil for weight loss and why so many use it for this benefit. Read on to discover all of these benefits so you can finally kick start the weight loss you really want.

How Is Olive Oil Made?

Olive oil...

White Balsamic Vinegar

How to Brighten up Any Dish With White Balsamic Vinegar

With the one exception of oil, there are very few pantry staples that come in as many options as vinegar. From apple cider and rice to sherry, champagne, white wine, red wine, and balsamic, the options are vast. A vinegar you may not be as aware of is white balsamic vinegar – what is it, what benefits could it possibly offer? How is it different from regular balsamic? These are all good questions. If you want to learn more about white...

food gift baskets

The Way to the Heart is Through the Stomach: 5 Reasons to Send Food Gift Baskets

When it comes to giving the perfect gift, it can be hard to decide what to get. Do you know what they like? Do you know what they need? What is your budget? This past holiday season, Americans spent $15.2 Billion on unwanted gifts. Clothing, accessories, and household goods are some of the most frequently bought, but they make up 65% of those unwanted gifts! If there is one thing that always wins, it’s food. Food gift...

Frying With Olive Oil

Frying With Olive Oil: Taking Your Dish to the Next Level

Did you know people have been making olive oil for nearly 5,000 years? At first, olive oil was used for lighting lamps and religious ceremonies. No doubt the ancients also used it to drizzle over bread, vegetables, and other cold dishes. Then, around the height of the Greek empire, someone had the brilliant idea to cook with it. Ever since then, we've used olive oil for frying, baking, and everything in between. Have you ever considered frying with olive...

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